New payment to help women              escape violent relationships

October 22nd, 2021New payment to help women escape violent relationships

Senator for Victoria Sarah Henderson said the federal government’s Escaping Violence Payment would provide women fleeing violence with up to $5000 of immediate support, regardless of their income or assets. 

Senator for Victoria Sarah Henderson said the federal government’s Escaping Violence Payment would provide women fleeing violence with up to $5000 of immediate support, regardless of their income or assets. 

“The Morrison Government is absolutely committed to ending domestic, family and sexual violence and this new program offers another tool in the toolkit under our record $1.1 billion investment in women’s safety,” Senator Henderson said.

“The payments will support an estimated 12,000 women each year by helping address the financial barriers for leaving violent relationships, alleviating one of the main reasons women stay with or return to abusive partners.

“The payments will help victims establish a home free from violence, get back on their feet and get their kids back in school,” Senator Henderson said.  

The new payment is available to anyone experiencing financial stress. For example if a bank account is frozen, a credit card cancelled or no access available for money needed to pay for rent or accommodation.

Applicants must be experiencing family and domestic violence that has changed their living circumstances and be under financial stress.

Evidence can include, but is not limited to, a referral from a family and domestic violence service provider with a risk assessment and safety plan, an AVO, court order or a police report.

UnitingCare, which has extensive experience working with people experiencing DV, will help applicants through the process. Applicants must be 18 years or older and an Australia citizen or permanent resident as outlined in the subsection 7(2) of the Social Security Act 1991

To find out more visit: www.unitingvictas.org.au/escaping-violence-payment

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