Jenny Don’t & The Spurs play the Bridge

October 11th, 2023Jenny Don’t & The Spurs play the Bridge

If you've made plans for this evening - you may want to change 'em. Jenny Don’t & The Spurs play the Bridge Hotel, Castlemaine tonight, Wednesday, October 11.

If you’ve made plans for this evening – you may want to change ’em. Jenny Don’t & The Spurs play the Bridge Hotel, Castlemaine tonight, Wednesday, October 11.
Hailing from Portland, Oregon, they caused a minor sensation here late last year when they spent weeks going up and down the east coast playing tiny gigs and driving crowds wild. This
time they’re here in Australia for three weeks, after which they play New Zealand and parts of South-
East Asia. Their latest album was recorded in Castlemaine on last year’s trip.
While they’re here in Victoria, they’re playing Out on the Weekend, where the band will play with a fabulous collection of country and Americana artists.
This band plays country & western (with an emphasis on Western) meets garage rock – what was called cowpunk back in the 80s. They have their roots in the Portland punk and garage scenes. Original drummer Sam Henty (recently deceased sadly) was a member of original Portland punk band The Wipers (one of Kurt Cobain’s favourites) and bass player Kelly Halliburton was in the Pierced Arrows with Fred & Toody Cole from Dead Moon. A fun, hard rockin’ party band.

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