Mount Players bring dark comedy to life

March 1st, 2024Mount Players bring dark comedy to life

The Mount Players' first production for the year opened on February 23 and is being directed by Lancefield local, George Benca.

The Mount Players’ first production for the year opened on February 23 and is being directed by Lancefield local, George Benca.

This is George’s debut role with The Mount Players and he is very excited to bring to life this dark
comedy, Wild by Mike Bartlett.

George is an accomplished actor and director with over 30 years’ experience in the Victorian community theatre scene.

First appearing with Powderkeg Players in the 1980s, he has since appeared on stage with several theatre companies including Williamstown, Adelphi, Encore, Malvern, STAG, Peridot and Eltham.

In recent years he has directed plays at Eltham, Essendon and STAG (Strathmore) theatre companies. Interestingly, it is also the first time all three actors are treading the boards at the Mountview Theatre.

Wild runs until March 10, so there is still time to check out the website for full details and tickets at www.themountplayers.com or call 5426 1892.

The second production for 2024 is Looped, a comedy by Matthew Lombardo and now in rehearsal. It will open on May 10 – read about it on the website.

All in all the theatre is buzzing so we look forward to welcoming you into The Mountview Theatre to enjoy a great show, complimentary sherry on arrival, tea/coffee and biscuits at interval and a well-stocked bar. See you at the theatre.

By Karen Hunt

The Mount Players’ youth theatre returns for another act

July 7th, 2023The Mount Players’ youth theatre returns for another act

The Mount Players is incredibly excited to announce that our Youth Theatre will be back in Terms 3 and 4! We welcome Kerry Turpie and Mark Constable, two fabulous, highly-qualified teachers who will run each of the classes together for students aged from 10 - 19 on a weekly basis from 10 July.

By Karen Hunt

The Mount Players is incredibly excited to announce that our Youth Theatre will be back in Terms 3 and 4! We welcome Kerry Turpie and Mark Constable, two fabulous, highly-qualified teachers who will run each of the classes together for students aged from 10  – 19 on a weekly basis from 10 July. 

On the weekend of 8 & 9 July our annual One Act Play Festival finally returns and offers a weekend of short plays that are adjudicated with awards presented at the completion of the Sunday afternoon session.  Come for a session (just $15 a session) or nestle in for a cosy weekend.  Bar open and food available. Tickets only available at the door.

On the weekend of 22 & 23 July, the theatre welcomes a visiting Melbourne Company, The Good Girl Song Project, who will bring their performance of Voyage a new Australian musicalto our stage for just 2 performances.  It follows the immigration story of two women, who board a ship to NSW in April 1833. During the voyage, the two women form a strong friendship; one that must withstand the capricious whims of the Sydney colonists. For once they leave the familiar shores of their home, there is no going back. A simple set, stunning character transformations it asks audiences to reflect on their attitudes to women, migration, identity, colonisation and racism, and questions whether the attitudes of the 19th Century are still mirrored in contemporary Australia.

For full details of our Youth Theatre Program, One Act Play Festival and Voyage go to www.themountplayers.com or phone 5426 1892 for assistance.

Full house for Buried Child

May 26th, 2023Full house for Buried Child

The Mountview Theatre was buzzing at the gala night of its second production for the year, Buried Child, on May 12.

The Mountview Theatre was buzzing at the gala night of its second production for the year, Buried Child, on May 12.
Mount Players president Karen Hunt said a full house enjoyed the debut
performance of the intense drama, above, which is the company’s entry in this year’s
Victorian Drama League Awards.
“The stage was transformed into an old, run down farmhouse set in Illinois
in the mid 70s, creating a macabre, tense atmosphere from the moment you sat
down. The cast and crew are to be congratulated on the acting, set design, sound
and lighting which, after months of hard work, culminated in a production we are
incredibly proud of.”
Karen said the One Act Play Festival will return for July 8/9 with “a very funny” Shakespeare production in August.
Link: www.themountplayers.com

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