Youth forum to help shape Ballarat’s biodiversity strategy

October 19th, 2023Youth forum to help shape Ballarat’s biodiversity strategy

Local youth aged between 15 and 25 are being encouraged to participate in the City of Ballarat’s Biodiversity Youth Forum this Saturday.

Local youth aged between 15 and 25 are being encouraged to participate in the City of Ballarat’s Biodiversity Youth Forum this Saturday.

This Saturday, October 21, people in this age group can get directly involved in the conversation at the forum being held at the Warrenheip Hall from 10am to 4pm.  

The forum is seeking the views of our youngest community members to identify priority areas for the next five years to improve the health and safety of our environment.  

Forum participants will review previous community feedback, identify priority areas and discuss ways that our youth can help the environment.

City of Ballarat Councillor Belinda Coates said this is an important community consultation and our young people are best placed to determine our priorities.

“We need the passion, skills and knowledge of our youngest community members to determine the future of biodiversity in our region,” she said.

“They are the custodians of the environment and represent the next generation of leaders who will shape our future.

“I encourage our youth to get involved and share your views to make sure that we take the right steps to improve the health of our environment.”

Forum participants will explore the feedback gathered so far from a range of community conversations about the natural environment and how we can better manage it.

The Biodiversity Strategy will align with the Council Plan 2021-2025 goal to ‘develop policy guidance on biodiversity and natural resources management’ and supports the Ballarat Strategy 2040.

Forum participants will be financially compensated for their time, with limited spaces available and registration essential. Those keen to participate can register interest for the Youth Forum event by emailing sustainableenvironment@ballarat.vic.gov.au.

Feedback will help to inform the Draft Biodiversity Strategy which is expected to go before the council for consideration later this year. 

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