Long haul: road reseal program starts for shire

December 25th, 2024Long haul: road reseal program starts for shire

The Hepburn Shire Council’s road reseal program started recently, in the lead up to Christmas, and following the festive season break will progress to take in rural areas around Dean and Smeaton along with urban roads in Daylesford, Clunes, Creswick and Trentham.

The Hepburn Shire Council’s road reseal program started recently, in the lead up to Christmas, and following the festive season break will progress to take in rural areas around Dean and Smeaton along with urban roads in Daylesford, Clunes, Creswick and Trentham.

The council says it’s slightly earlier than the usual time of February to March for the program to begin.

Drivers who regularly use the Creswick Road between Creswick and Ballarat will have noticed the recent improvements to the section of overtaking lane just past the RACV Forest Resort.

The council, in a report, stated that road resealing is a maintenance activity to prolong the life of the existing sealed road network.

This year’s program will deliver around 19km (or 109,500 m2) of road reseal.

 “We prioritise roads based on official road inspections and their condition data,” the council’s report states.

“Traffic management will be in place and some minor delays are to be expected while crews are on site”.

This story based on a Hepburn Shire Council report

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