Skills to change gender inequality           and family violence

October 25th, 2021Skills to change gender inequality and family violence

More Victorians will be given the skills to identify and respond to gender inequality and family violence, with two new courses added to the Victorian Government’s Free TAFE program from 2022.

More Victorians will be given the skills to identify and respond to gender inequality and family violence, with two new courses added to the Victorian Government’s Free TAFE program from 2022.
Minister for Training and Skills Gayle Tierney has announced the new skillsets, which meet key recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence and support the Gender Equality Act 2020.

They include Course in Gender Equity, the first accredited training program of its type in Australia, to give workers the tools to promote gender equity in the workplace and understand Victorian legislation.
Identifying and Responding to Family Violence Risk will help upskill community services workers with key risk assessment, risk management and referral skills to provide an initial response to family violence.
The Government has made training more accessible through the signature Free TAFE program, offering eligible students fully subsidised courses that directly lead to jobs now and into the future. Ninety-three thousand students have started courses – saving $150 million in the first two years.
A further seven new Free TAFE courses will be offered in 2022, including in veterinary nursing, tourism and health and aged care to meet key government priority areas and skills demands while also boosting the Victorian economy.
Last year, the Government announced an investment of $631.4 million to drive economic recovery and increase access to training, which includes $163 million for a Skills for Economic Recovery package announced in July 2020.
This investment will create up to 60,000 new training places over four years in Free TAFE courses and builds on the additional 10,000 Free TAFE places announced in July 2020 as part of the Skills for Economic Recovery Package.
The Government has made a record $3.2 billion investment in TAFE and training to ensure Victorians have access to high quality education and rewarding career pathways.
Explore your options with Free TAFE at freetafe.vic.gov.au.

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