New appointment for children’s rights

April 24th, 2022New appointment for children’s rights

The rights of Victorian Aboriginal children and young people will continue to be protected and defended with the appointment of proud Yorta Yorta woman Meena Singh as Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People.

The rights of Victorian Aboriginal children and young people will continue to be protected and defended with the appointment of proud Yorta Yorta woman Meena Singh as Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People.
Minister for Child Protection Anthony Carbines welcomes Ms Singh, a highly experienced director, senior consultant and lawyer – bringing with her more than 20 years’ experience in the legal profession and human rights sector.
This breadth of experience includes serving as Legal Director of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s Rights unit at the Human Rights Law Centre and working with Djirra, a not-for-profit organisation that provides support to Aboriginal women who are experiencing or have experienced family violence.
In her new role as Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People, Ms Singh will work to further advance the rights and interests of Aboriginal children and young people in Victoria.
Ms Singh will carry forward the work of outgoing Commissioner Justin Mohamed, tackling the over-representation of Aboriginal children in the child protection and youth justice systems and prioritising connection to family, community, culture and Country – driving real change for Aboriginal children and young people.
Ms Singh will serve as Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People until 23 April 2027.

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