May 10th, 2022BURNING OFF
Did you know that our Local Law states that only dry and dead vegetation can be burnt? This means you cannot burn green garden waste, non-timber based building materials, rubber, plastic, furnishings, carpet, petroleum, oil products, just to name a few. Please be respectful to your neighbours and advise them if you are planning to burn off.
have received many complaints of excess smoke from recent burns in the Shire.
If you are burning off you need to advise Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA) via or 1800 668 511, regardless of the time of year you plan to burn off.
The fire must be supervised by an adult at all times and suitable
fire protection equipment needs to be available to extinguish the
fire if required. Two penalty units ($181.74 per penalty unit) for an infringement can be issued for not complying with the Local Law.