Horroscopes … with Jen Hart

December 10th, 2022Horroscopes … with Jen Hart

Aries: You’ll appear more charming, magnetic, and likeable than usual and this might help you to get your big idea over the line with the higher ups. Pursue ideas that you are in love with, causes that are close to your heart.

Aries: You’ll appear more charming, magnetic, and likeable than usual and this
might help you to get your big idea over the line with the higher ups. Pursue ideas
that you are in love with, causes that are close to your heart.
Taurus: It might be time to expand your mind, your beliefs and how you view
the world and your role in it. It can be heavy stuff to grapple with but with an open
mind and heart you might be surprised by what you learn.
Gemini: Little gifts and good karma are headed your way with Venus offering you
helpful connections. A monetary boost or connection with a mentor who is offering
a cornucopia of helpful information, or even an approval for a sum of money you’ve
been waiting for.
Cancer: Relations with your partner are copasetic for the next few weeks, with
clear, practical, and calming communications. Love and connectedness are a part
of this storyline, but not necessarily a steamy passionate time. But a great time to
reconnect and have a little relationship tune-up.
Leo: Conflict or tensions with friends are possible now, you might prefer your
own company or that of your kids while your besties want you to hit the town with
them. Retreating into your personal oasis isn’t a crime, you gotta do what you gotta
Virgo: Possible rough waters at the start of the month around the commitment at
work and the pressures of home. It might feel like you’re being pulled in two different
directions. This wrinkle will smooth out around December 11th, and you can enjoy
the good stuff in your life.
Libra: Give the house a good tidy up for the holiday season, as you’ll want to
invite friends and family over to fill your house with love and laughter. It’s a good
time to set some goals and resolutions for next year, you don’t need to wait until
January 1.
Scorpio: You’ll be eager to talk to others and share ideas, Venus will add some
extra charm to your words, you might be more persuasive, with the ability to push
your agenda forwards. The pace of your everyday life might quicken with plenty of
short trips, appointments and general toing and froing.
Sagittarius: Venus is finally in the part of your chart that rules your money, assets
and income, hooray. Hopefully she brings you luck and gifts that can help boost your
financial picture, some fresh new ideas that come to you to earn more dosh or grow
what you’ve got.
Capricorn: The next four weeks offer you the opportunity to attract favourable
people and situations, others will perceive you as more charming and clever than
usual. You might find that you’re chattier, and your words are well received. It’s a
good time to reflect and contemplate what is next for you.
Aquarius: You might find yourself in a secretive relationship, or keen to keep
your new relationship on the quiet for now. Keeping secrets isn’t a crime (usually) and
can add a little spice to your life. It’s a good time to keep a journal to help process
your thoughts and empty your head if it’s feeling too full.
Pisces: If you aren’t happy at work, a new pathway is illuminated for you. Any
new work ventures might be met with tensions from the home front, but this will
quickly pass. It’s also a time when a friendship could become something more, this is
the time to shoot your shot, even if it’s a friend you haven’t seen in a while.

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