Spiller to play The Palais

April 10th, 2023Spiller to play The Palais

D’Arcy Spiller crashed back into our ears in 2022 with new single ‘Curveball’, the fierce follow up to gentle ballad ‘Milk & Honey’ and rock anthem ‘Crave’.

D’Arcy Spiller crashed back into our ears in 2022 with new single ‘Curveball’, the fierce follow up to gentle ballad ‘Milk & Honey’ and rock anthem ‘Crave’.

Fans will be now be well pleased to see she plays The Palais, Hepburn Springs on Saturday April 15.

With a burgeoning canon of songs that embrace and attempt to verbalise her experiences as an empath, Melbourne-based D’Arcy Spiller’s music isn’t just a means of communicating her blues-pop sonic outlook but a way for the singer-songwriter to make sense of the universe as a whole.

Alongside her dedication to her craft, from her early teens D’Arcy had also begun to tap into a feeling of hyper awareness to the spiritual and non-physical world around her. Having relocated from small town Smeaton, Victoria to Minneapolis aged 15, the huge change in her surroundings and social life prompted a shift both in her musical ambitions and sensitivity to her intuition.

“Everything changed when I started listening to more rock music and blues; when I was there [in America] I thought right, this is something I could really intertwine into my own stuff,” she explains. “During that move to America a door must have opened, or something must have clicked, because bizarre things were happening and these experiences changed what I wanted to write about and how I wanted to be portrayed as an artist. I never did and still don’t quite understand why it is that how I feel in one moment can be altered in a second when a stranger enters the room. It doesn’t happen often but it can be difficult, and that started informing the tracks I was writing.”

D’Arcy is aware that her experiences are ones that might not be universally understood, but over her past two EPs – 2020’s ‘Little Demons’ and last year’s ‘Disarray’ – and heading into a forthcoming body of work heralded by new single ‘Crave’, she’s prioritising an increasingly honest lean into all facets of her personality. She describes her debut as a reckoning on the past and a way to get a host of “unresolved feelings” finally tied up and put to bed. ‘Disarray’, meanwhile, was born from a solitary lockdown that led the singer down some dark paths of personal exploration.

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