Your say …

May 24th, 2024Your say …

I write in concern about the proposal Hepburn Shire Council has to rezone prime farming land on the outskirts of East Street in Daylesford.


I write in concern about the proposal Hepburn Shire Council has to rezone prime farming land on the outskirts of East Street in Daylesford.

I have lived opposite this beautiful farming land for near on 30 years this September. Our home was purchased with the understanding that we were purchasing unique and peaceful quiet land out of the township to enjoy a very rural lifestyle while still having the opportunity of a very close-by community with all the facilities to raise our family.

We were always of the understanding that the land opposite was rich, valuable, farming land and would always remain this as per the zoning of it.

In all my time of living in my family home this amazing piece of land has been farmed by generations of families whom continue to honour the rich soil that it sits on.

It has always been cropped, grazed or rested as per old school farming practices. Often on a hot summer night I listen to the tractor frantically raking or bailing hay to beat the oncoming rain.

Many a day and night I listen to the sound of baby lambs as they are delivered onto this sacred farming land. Not a year goes by when this land is not honoured for the use it has been set aside for.

The council must reconsider this proposal, it will destroy a beneficial farm that supply’s our farming sector with much needed product. I have attached a photo (above) of said land for your viewing pleasure to enjoy its beauty.

From: Ann Maree Mackley, Daylesford

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