Hepburn Shire hands out $80,111 in grants for landcare, biodiversity

August 21st, 2024Hepburn Shire hands out $80,111 in grants for landcare, biodiversity

The township of Trentham hosted a celebration late last week for recipients of grants aimed at improving biodiversity and environmental health throughout the Hepburn Shire.

The township of Trentham hosted a celebration late last week for recipients of grants aimed at improving biodiversity and environmental health throughout the Hepburn Shire.

Representatives from the Hepburn Shire Council and many community groups (pictured above) were present at the event, with a total of $80,111 distributed to groups across the shire. 

The council had received six applications for its Sustainable Hepburn Grants Program in 2024.

The applications represented a significant effort by organisations within the shire to help reduce emissions and become more energy efficient.

The assessment panel recommended all six applications for funding through the program with the total amount funded through this program $39,743.

Seven applications were received for the Biodiversity Grants Program in 2024. The applications represented a diverse range of activities focused on supporting and enhancing biodiversity in the shire.

For the first time, this year’s program featured a new 24-month category to allow for larger and longer term management of reserves and natural resources.

The assessment panel recommended the five highest scoring applications for funding through the program.  The total amount funded through this program for both 12 and 24- month applications is $27,368.

Thirteen applications were received for project funding through the Environment Group Grants Program 2024.

Applicants were invited to apply for the program and for the first time this year’s program extended beyond Landcare groups, to also include other organisations working in the environmental space.

All 13 applications were recommended by the assessment panel for funding and a total of $13,000 will be funded to environmental organisations this year.

Grant recipients are: 

Biodiversity Grants Program in 2024 

Hepburn Gardens for Wildlife awarded $4,780 for their 12-month project Better Gardens and Landscapes. 

Wattle Flat- Pootila Landcare Group awarded $7,490 for the 24-month project to Linking Creswick to Wombat. 

Shepherds Flat Landcare Group – awarded $4,634 for their 12-month project Noxious Weed Management at the Larni Barramul Yaluk, Mullers Lane Reserve, Shepherds Flat 

Friends of Kangaroo Creek Wheatsheaf, auspiced by Wombat Forestcare – awarded $8,000 for their 24-month project: Reinforcing collaborative blackberry control along Kangaroo Creek, Wheatsheaf. 

Friends of Cornish Hill awarded $2,464 for their 12-month project Redesign and replacement of large information board at Smith Creek Reserve, south-western end. 

Sustainable Hepburn Grants Program in 2024 

Trentham Sustainability Group – awarded $11,250 for their project Energy Resilient Trentham 

Daylesford Community Child Care Centre – awarded $7,500 for their project Powering our children’s future. 

Creswick Neighbourhood Centre – awarded $7,500 for their project A Cleaner, Greener, Comfortable for all CNC. 

Trentham Golf Club – awarded $9,000 for their project Trentham Golf Club Solar PV extension. 

Bullarto Hall Committee of Management – Awarded $2,993, for their project Solar to Bullarto Hall 

Friends of Cornish Hill – Awarded $2,000 for their project Renewable Energy efficient small equipment purchase.

Environment Group Grants Program 2024 ($1,000 each) 

The following groups were successful: 

Shepherds Flat Landcare Group

Friends of Cornish Hill 

Wattle Flat-Pootilla Landcare Group 

Trentham Public Purpose Reserves Committee of Management

 Wombat Forestcare

 Rocky Lead Landcare Group 

LVI-MT Bolton/Beckworth Landcare Group

Glenlyon Upper Loddon Landcare Group 

Trentham District Landcare Group 

Cornish Hill Committee of Management 

Clunes Landcare and Waterways Group

Bald Hills-Creswick Landcare Group Inc 

Great Dividing Trail Association.  

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