Stand by: Here come The Blockheads

September 26th, 2024Stand by: Here come The Blockheads

Daylesford is headed for massive exposure via TV show The Block.  

Daylesford is headed for massive exposure via TV show The Block.   

Channel Nine says the 20-year-old show averages 1.3 million viewers on Sunday nights and a million on the following three nights, as well as being shown in 170 countries.   

What is called pre-construction starts on the Raglan Street property this month, with filming likely to begin in February or March.

Casting started nationally last week. So far, 176 contestants have taken part in more than 900 episodes, winning more than $34 million in prize money.

For lovers of detail, there have been 98 homes renovated, 200 bathrooms built and 98 kitchens built. At least 70 crew members are expected to move to Daylesford, renting locally for three months.   

Hepburn Shire Council was anxious to make soothing noises about the advent of The Block, saying it believes it will create tourism and economic development opportunities by showcasing the district to a national audience.  

Asked about how the town would cope with the influx of so many crew members, with the attendant rubberneckers, the council said: “The production of The Block will enable opportunities for our tradespeople to work alongside the many cast, crew and in-house trades that will temporarily reside within our shire.”   

As for the possible influx of tourists after The Block is shown, the council  welcomes visitors and understands that there will be interest at the site.   

“The producers of The Block will be required to have traffic management in place to ensure the safety of people on and around the site.”   

As to whether the council had experience with something similar and if so, what it was and how was it handled, the council responded: “Council has experience with major festivals and events around our shire.

“We will be working with the producers of The Block to support them. We have  also consulted with other councils that have had involvement with the production of various seasons of The Block.”   

Words: Kevin Childs | Image: Kyle Barnes        

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