Hepburn Kindergarten delivering rainbows

June 8th, 2020Hepburn Kindergarten delivering rainbows

HEPBURN Kindergarten has been running an intergenerational program with Lumeah Lodge for a few years.

HEPBURN Kindergarten has been running an intergenerational program with Lumeah Lodge for a few years – and a small pandemic was never going to stop them.

 Educator Karley Powell said because of COVID-19, students were not able to make their regular visits.

“We didn’t want the residents to feel lonely or like we had forgotten them so we asked our children attending the kinder to make rainbows to hang up in their rooms,” she said.

“We currently have four students on site, with the rest home-learning. Our home-learning students receive packs, delivered by myself and our kindergarten teacher Catherine Meadows, fortnightly. These packs include resources for the children at home to make rainbows and ask that their artwork is either delivered to our drop-off box or they take a photo and send it to us.

“We then deliver the rainbow package to the hospital to deliver to Lumeah Lodge residents.”

Students taking part include Chey, Grace, Tilly, Tyson, Tom, Tristan, Joel, Lucas, Roman, Harry and Heath.

Image:  just some of the colourful artworks delivered to Lumeah Lodge from Hepburn Kindergarten students

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