Local Lines : Back in the day when they had toilet paper

March 23rd, 2020Local Lines : Back in the day when they had toilet paper

Mary Stone is a poet, singer and spoken word performer who has featured in many poetry venues throughout Melbourne and Central Victoria.

Back in the day when they had toilet paper:

counting the squares of toilet paper

remembering that time

in Eganstown

at Aunty Irene’s

when spiders had parties in her

outdoor loo

I’d never seen a redback

til Seth left me

a sheep’s skull

still green

like a siren

I dropped the bag

ran round the kitchen

thirteen times

for luck

sprayed a whole can

of Knockdown

threw it in the bin

I hid behind

Aunty Irene

when I saw a great big hairy

that time

me and she jumped up n down

on her bed


not Aunty Edna

but Edna who was seeing Young Jack

whilst he was in prison

or embezzlement

came in and thwacked it

spider guts look like

a Pro Hart painting

only better

she muttered in Hush Puppies

me and Aunty Irene

still jumped up n down

at 3 am

we liked that game

at twelve

I knew nothing

at eighty-three

her laugh told me


– Mary Stone

Mary Stone is a poet, singer and spoken word performer who has featured in many poetry venues throughout Melbourne and Central Victoria. She has won several awards for her work and published widely – including her most recent book, Hail Mary full of disgrace. She loves singing Mills & Boon, acapella, making NQR risotto and tripping over her own feet.

Poems for Local Lines come predominantly from a group of poets. However, other locals who would like a poem considered for publication can contact Bill Wootton – cottlesbreedge@gmail.com

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