A gratitude page to our Local Legends!

October 13th, 2021A gratitude page to our Local Legends!

The Local asked people to tell us who is helping them through this tough time, and our readers responded. Some were quite specific and others just sent us the names of their legends. Send us more and we will print them in the next edition. Email: donna@tlnews.com.au

The Local asked people to tell us who is helping them through this tough time, and our readers responded. Some were quite specific and others just sent us the names of their legends. Send us more and we will print them in the next edition. Email: donna@tlnews.com.au

To the fabulous Carmel, who organises Ageing (Dis)gracefully. It is getting better and better in spite of the harsh conditions imposed by governments. So important everyone to socialise, share with the heart and go out of the home. You are doing a very important job, bringing us all together. Thank you for your efforts, vision and trust in all of us as individuals.


I would like to nominate Chantel Leaver as she provides everyone with Covid updates and has done through the whole pandemic.
She offers clear, honest and factual information and is always there for
support too. She is not working for the Covid contact team. One amazing woman, all while home schooling a tribe of children.


Mark is the owner of the Mill Markets here and in Geelong and Ballarat. Whenever there’s been a lockdown he doesn’t charge any rent for the stallholders at the Mill. He has gone out of his way to be kind to people in the community too. I believe he has been handing out coffee vouchers and food vouchers to visitors and locals. I think Mark is an amazing community person.


It happened last year but I don’t think you can go past the generosity of Roger and Sue at Herbal Lore. They provided free sanitiser when you couldn’t find it for love nor money. True legend and their kind idea will not be forgotten.


I want to thank The Local’s Glen Heyne for his gardening and home page. I read it religiously and it has kept me sane on many dark days. Don’t know the bloke personally but what a legend.John I’d like to thank Nicola Stephens for helping out every student in my class (Daylesford Primary) while homeschooling, and having two kids at home at the same time doing all the housework.


Lisa in the chicken shop in Daylesford is a legend. Always has a kind word and time for a quick chat, even when she is busy. And great comfort food!


The guys at the Clunes Newsagency have been wonderful to everyone and just a breath of fresh air. Always time for a chat. And great service.


I want to do a shout-out to everyone who is doing the right thing with masks and sanitiser and checking in with the QR codes. I reckon 95 per cent of people are doing it well. Which is about the same amount of people who will get the vaccine. I reckon most of us are legends.


I have been for four Covid tests so far, at Daylesford and Kyneton, and every time I have been treated with great respect and care by the nurses. I always thank them for the work they do. The health professionals, wrapped in their PPE gear, are the real legends around here.


Adele and Todd at Dele Catering are amazing. They really care about their customers and provide nourishing real food when you just can’t be bothered – like so many of us at the moment. And they also give back!


I am still loving the erlicheer plants which the Wombat Nursery people started last year hoping we would be done and dusted by last spring. They are popping up again and make me smile when I see them. Legendary effort.


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