Ballarat adopts action plan for social and affordable housing

August 5th, 2024Ballarat adopts action plan for social and affordable housing

The City of Ballarat has endorsed its first Social and Affordable Housing Action Plan.

The City of Ballarat has endorsed its first Social and Affordable Housing Action Plan.

Adopted by the council at its recent July meeting, the new plan identifies the ways the city can contribute to social and affordable housing outcomes, with a focus on facilitation and advocacy to address community needs.

The final plan followed the creation of a draft Social and Affordable Housing Action Plan, with subsequent community engagement undertaken between 20 May and 16 June.

The consultation resulted in minor changes to the original draft with eight new actions added, taking the total to 35 actions.

The Social and Affordable Housing Action Plan can be read in full on the City of Ballarat website.

The plan was among items on the agenda at the council’s recent July meeting.

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