May 19th, 2023Chance to help guide the future of Woodend racecourse reserve
The Macedon Ranges Shire Council is preparing a master plan to guide the future management of the Woodend Racecourse Reserve and will continue to receive public input up to May 28.
Public submissions will close on 28 May 2023 at 5pm
The Woodend Racecourse Reserve plays an important role in the provision of sport and recreation opportunities for the community.
The council is inviting public feedback via short survey to help inform the development of the significant plan.
The reserve is currently the home to the Woodend Pony Club, Riddells Creek Adult Riders Club, Hanging Rock and Woodend Pentanque Club, and is also accessed by the Woodend Junior Football Club and Woodend Hesket Football Netball Club.
It was previously a racecourse, and previously home to scouts and little athletics.
Council has appointed experienced recreation consultants @Leisure to undertake the development of this plan.
There will also be further opportunities to have a say on the draft master plan once it has been developed, which is anticipated to be later this year.