Council move on managing unsealed township roads

September 5th, 2024Council move on managing unsealed township roads

The Macedon Ranges Shire Council has endorsed a report containing recommendations for the future management of unsealed roads within its township boundaries.

The Macedon Ranges Shire Council has endorsed a report containing recommendations for the future management of unsealed roads within its township boundaries.

The council manages about 860 kilometres of unsealed roads, with about 76 kilometres of those within township boundaries.

Over the past five years, factors such as floods, storms and increased traffic have caused a significant rise in the number of requests for maintenance to unsealed roads.

Recommendations included undertaking an unsealed road network condition audit to inform the future management of the council’s unsealed road network.

They also included trialling a ‘Light Pavement and Spray Seal’ solution for suitable unsealed roads within township boundaries, and also proceeding with a Special Charge Scheme process for Noonan Grove in Woodend under the previous policy.

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