Historic Hepburn Springs landmark up for lease

May 14th, 2024Historic Hepburn Springs landmark up for lease

The Hepburn Pavilion and Kiosk, which has operated at the Hepburn Mineral Springs Reserve since 1908, is up for lease.

The Hepburn Pavilion and Kiosk, which has operated at the Hepburn Mineral Springs Reserve since 1908, is up for lease.

The request for proposal period will close at 5pm on Friday, May 31.

Renovation works are being planned which will include repairs to the historic octagonal Pavilion.

The Hepburn Pavilion and Kiosk lease is separate from the lease of the Hepburn Bathhouse & Spa Daylesford Mineral Spa, for which the Hepburn Shire Council leases operations to Belgravia Leisure.

Any new tenant for the pavilion and kiosk will be operating within the environs of the Reserve’s seven mineral springs, walking tracks and picnic facilities and adjacent to the Hepburn Bathhouse, which draws thousands of visitors each year. 

A culturally significant part of the shire, the operator’s plans and vision will be integral to the building’s revitalisation.  

Hepburn Shire Mayor, Cr Brian Hood, said the council is excited by the opportunity to develop a partnership with a café operator.  

“Council is undertaking a public Request for Proposal process seeking a tenant for the café at Hepburn Mineral Springs Reserve. It is a significant business opportunity located in an attractive and popular drawcard to the shire,” he said.

“We are looking at a five-year lease with two five-year options to renew.”

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