
October 27th, 2022Horoscopes

A busy couple of weeks happening overhead with eclipse season upon us, as well as Mars turning retrograde, both might cause some upheavals.

Horoscopes October 24th to November 7th

All signs:

A busy couple of weeks happening overhead with eclipse season upon us, as well as Mars turning retrograde, both might cause some upheavals. Eclipses take place in pairs, a solar eclipse on October 25th and a lunar eclipse on November 8th. These events typically leave us all feeling a little unsettled, like things aren’t as stable or reliable as they usually are. Eclipse season can also bring about new beginnings and turning points, keeping in mind that oftentimes something needs to end so that something new can begin. It can be both unsettling and unpredictable. Many people like to work with the lunar cycles for manifestation or to charge their crystals, I don’t recommend using the eclipse lunations for such activities owing to their unpredictable nature. Throwing some of the other astro weather into the mix, this eclipse season could see us all reaching for a little more independence, freedom, and space from anything in our lives that feels too restrictive, a desire to break free from the boundaries we have been bumping up against lately.

All this desire to break away from our bonds will unfortunately likely be hampered by Mars turning retrograde in the sign of Gemini. Mars speaks of our energy, our drive and determination. Mars in the sign of Gemini can make us feel a little overwhelmed or pulled in many directions at the best of times. When Mars starts moving backwards, we might find that we are less motivated, less active, and could feel like our grand plans are going nowhere fast. On the upside, it’s a fabulous time to slow down, if you have been moving at warp speed and feel like you have been spread too thin, take a sharp knife to your schedule, and start cutting things out that don’t serve you right now. Not a good time to start new projects if it can be helped, you might find them languishing until the new year. But a good time to take stock, reassess your situation and perhaps start plotting a new course for 2023. Read on to see how you might harness the power of the planets in your life, if you know your rising sign, start there first.


The eclipse might bring about some financial struggles either for you or for your spouse/partner. It could be that you are reliant upon money from others, or you’re tied up in a joint venture that sees a lack of financial independence for you. This could be a turning point when you need to break free from the pack and trust your own earning capabilities, it might help your confidence grow in other areas of your life as well. Your communication skills might not be at their peak so think twice before you let fly, there will be other times to charm people and play the diplomat. You might be a little more prone to road rage over the coming months, make sure that your commute playlist is a relaxing one.


All things to do with marriage, partnerships and relationships are in the spotlight, with perhaps some upheavals headed your way. If a partnership (romantic or business) is struggling, this might be the time when things start to wind down and come to an end. Any relationships that have felt draining or cumbersome could be on the chopping block. If, on the other hand, things are solid and working well, you have nothing to fear, it might even be a time when your relationship deepens or strengthens. Money matters might be contentious for the remainder of the year, there might be conflict or passionate discussion about your financial picture. If you have been working at a fast and furious pace to earn your dosh, you might be facing a bit of burn out and need to take a step back.


The next few weeks might pose some challenges for you, around your daily routine, your health, or your pets. You’ve had Mars providing you with some extra oomph these past few weeks and now he’s about to move backwards and it could mean that you start to feel the effects of being stretched too thin from doing too much. The eclipse taking place could be offering you a fresh start with your health and daily routines, if your daily life has been causing some health problems, this is the time to take your power back and reinvent a routine that will provide better balance. It’s never easy to admit when something isn’t working and needs a change, but better to be on the front foot, making the changes than to be reacting to the consequences later.


The focus on romance, leisure time, creative self-expression and children continues for you. If you have found some of these topics have been weighing you down, feeling draining rather than uplifting, there might some major changes coming your way. You might also find that you have a lightbulb moment, find something or someone new that turns your world upside down. Mars turning retrograde might mean a bit of a hit to your confidence, that self-doubt might creep in a little. It’s imperative that you are kind to yourself right now, that you don’t let any poisonous little voice inside your own head get too loud. There are times when these things can affect us more, be more damaging, and this is that time for you when you need to be a little more aware of your inner monologue and how it can taint how you feel about yourself.


Contemplating a big move, selling all your worldly possessions and living the life like a gypsy? If you aren’t, you might soon be with a pair of itchy feet, desperate for adventure and looking to escape the heaviness of responsibility that can come with the home that you live in. There might be outside incidents that cause challenges are where you are living or with your family perhaps. If you have been finding that your home is too much of a burden, this is the time to downsize, or conversely, that you need to upgrade to make more space. If your social calendar has been full to the brim, it might be time to take a step back, reassess friendships or group associations that are taking more from you than they are giving back. This is a great time to set some boundaries with friends and be more choosey as to who you give your energy to.


The eclipse might see you find a whole new way of communication or self-expression. You might start to learn a new language or find a more artistic form of expression. Your immediate surroundings, like your neighbourhood might be in for an overhaul or some sort of upheaval. If you have found that your work life has been in overdrive, this is the time when things might come to a grinding halt. It won’t last forever, just know that this isn’t going to be the best time to initiate new projects or deals at work. You might feel like what you do have going on in your career is stalled, and that’s ok, it will take off again in the new year and you will feel that you are back on track in no time.


Your financial picture might be headed for a shake-up, for better or worse. New opportunities might show up, but they might require you to end other streams of income that you have been reliant upon. It might be how you manage your money and assets or how you earn your cash. You have the skills to investigate and shine a light in all the corners before you sign on the dotted line, use that to your advantage. If you have been pursuing any post-secondary education, you might find the rest of the year a bit of a slog. Any new projects that are undertaken before the new year might be require more energy than you anticipate, be warned. Perhaps you are planning an overseas trip and need to be prepared for a bumpier journey with more plot twists than you envisioned.


Big changes are a foot for you, with the eclipse taking place in your sign! You might be going through a major reinvention of self, working out who you are and who you want to be. It could be as simple as a physical make-over and could be as complex as a major turning point in how you see yourself. This might also be a time when you are trying to find a balance between your sense of self and who you are within your closest relationships. Your self confidence is due for a boost, just keep in mind that you want it to come from within and try not to seek validation from others. If you are happy with who you see in the mirror, the opinions of other’s don’t really matter. Try not to fall into the trap of making yourself over to please the masses, be your own lovely unique self.


You might be desperate for some alone time, to retreat into the comfort of your own company and you have the permission of the planets. If you can

take some time away by yourself, I highly recommend it, you might find that you have an epiphany or two. This could be a major turning point for you where your mental health is concerned, if you have been feeling like you are bearing the weight of the world on your shoulders and that you can’t seem to turn down the volume on your inner monologue, try your best to take care of your own need for quiet time. The eclipses are hitting you in a difficult way and can really make you feel lost in the dark, fear not, the lights will soon be switched back on. Relationships might feel hard, stale or stalled for the next little while, if you can focus on yourself, this is the time to do so and let some of the other people in your life sit on the back burner, if they are worth your time, they will still be there when you are ready.


This might be a time when you aren’t feeling so sure about your place within your social scene or the groups that you are associated with. New friendships might form, or you might find a new group that you want to join, the cost might be letting go of other commitments you currently have. The hum drum of daily life might feel like you are running on a hamster wheel and not really making up any ground, not to worry as it won’t last forever. If you are feeling the frustration of not getting to where you want to be in life or perhaps like you are moving backwards, try to keep in mind that there are seasons within our lives and in some of those seasons we are kicking goals and moving forward and in other seasons we are more stationary, hibernating a little perhaps. While you might not be making gains, this can be a time to cut away bad habits or parts of your daily life that aren’t serving you the best.


Things at work might be feeling unsettled, unstable, or uncertain. Big changes might be afoot, either shaking the ground now or seeds planted behind the scenes that sprout up a little late on. You might be offered a career opportunity that involves moving your residence, or that you have the option to work from home. If you have children, the next few months might be challenging, pushing your limits, and testing your patience. This might also be a time when any of your artistic endeavours are moved to the back burner, leisure time might need to be put aside. The major headlines are going to be regarding your career right now, and it might mean that it’s a time to make hay while the sun shines and put a few of your hobbies hold.


New opportunities and options might show up for you with this eclipse season, something with an international flavour. It could be that you are taking a trip, meeting someone from a different background to your own or exploring a new philosophy or religion. Your world can be cracked wide open if you are willing to play the role of the seeker and be receptive to new ideas, people, and places. It doesn’t mean that this is going to be easy peazy lemon squeezing, but if you have been in rut, a little more stressed, depressed,

lemon zest, your ability to have a refreshing glass of lemonade is heightened at the end of this month. In contrast, things at home might be more tense and testy right now, trying your patience and perhaps fuelling your fire to embrace a new adventure.


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