Horoscopes with Jennifer Hart -November 7-21

November 8th, 2022Horoscopes with Jennifer Hart -November 7-21

Aries: Financial matters might be shaken up, you could be offered up some new ways to earn money. There’s a need for financial freedom, or that you need to move your spending habits in a new direction. Look closely at an unorthodox solution, it might be just what you need to move forwards.

Aries: Financial matters might be shaken up, you could be offered up some new
ways to earn money. There’s a need for financial freedom, or that you need to move
your spending habits in a new direction. Look closely at an unorthodox solution, it
might be just what you need to move forwards.
Taurus: Money matters might be slow right now, even feeling like you’re moving
backwards, this trend is only temporary. Look to savings where insurance and debts
are concerned, there might be a better deal and you are primed to nab it right now.
Gemini: You might be feeling a drop in your energy levels and motivation now, I
urge you to keep plodding along at work. You can make some major inroads, perhaps
even achieve an accolade that you’ve been chasing. It’s your last chance to enjoy a very
flattering light being cast on you for the next 10 years, so use it well.
Cancer: If you’re lucky enough to have a valid passport and money to burn, take
that overseas trip you have been lusting after. If this isn’t in your purview, find joy in
new cultures, higher education, or spiritual growth. If your mental health has taken a
turn, these things can help bring some joy back to you.
Leo: Some money is headed your way, perhaps through inheritance, income
tax return or your spouse gets a raise. Or you might take on a large debt, but for
something that benefits you, like a new home or car. Be mindful of the strings.
Virgo: Absence does make the heart grow fonder, if you need a little space, don’t
be afraid to take it, if it’s a relationship with a solid foundation, it’ll keep. Your career
might be feeling a little stalled now, rest assured that you’ll find the accelerator in the
new year.
Libra: You’re blessed with the gift of eloquent communication for the next few
weeks, with a sharp mind and clever articulation you can achieve almost anything. If
you’ve had a writing project simmering away on the stove, this might be the time to
turn up the heat and make it boil.
Scorpio: Romantic times abound until Christmas, you might be overwhelmed
with options, who wouldn’t love that? If you’re more settled in your life, lovely
experiences with children are available, arty creativity, hobbies, and sports can offer
up opportunities to have fun.
Sagittarius: If life has felt like a bit of a slog lately, this might be the lifting of the
fog that you have been desperately seeking. You’ll feel a shift from the hermit in the
cave to the star at centre stage, which is much more conducive to your Sagittarius
Capricorn: New additions to your family could soon be on their way with the
eclipse offering possibilities of pregnancy. Take precautions if this is not what you
want on your agenda right now. You’re bursting with big ideas and thoughts right
now, keep a notebook handy to jot them all down.
Aquarius: The luckiest of planetary charms has re-entered the arena of all matters
financial for you. If you experienced a boost to your income earlier in the year, that
story is back, be sure to grab it with both hands. You won’t get this kind of blessing
again until 2033, so make the most of it until Christmas this year.
Pisces: This might be a time when you are looking to fill in some gaps in your
education, renovate your resumé or chase a dream that you have been harbouring
since you were a kid. You can make your own luck until Christmas.

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