In a lot of hot water: Heat pump hot water system giveaway

September 7th, 2023In a lot of hot water: Heat pump hot water system giveaway

Local community-owed renewable energy provider Hepburn Energy and partners are reporting "huge success" with their recent ‘Hepburn Switch’ event as well as a broader heat pump hot water bulk buy scheme.

Local community-owed renewable energy provider Hepburn Energy and partners are reporting “huge success” with their recent ‘Hepburn Switch’ event as well as a broader heat pump hot water bulk buy scheme.

They report that all up 78 heat pump hot water systems have been installed with a value of $528,159 – saving 407 tonnes of Co2. And, a result, two local community group facilities will receive a free hot water system. 
To be eligible for a hot water system, the community group must be located within the Hepburn Shire and provide community benefits from the upgrade.  If you know or are part of a local community group that would benefit from a highly efficient heat pump hot water system, you can find the application form here, on the community page of the Hepburn Energy website, or on the heat pump bulk buy page on the z-net website

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