Integrity on its way?

May 10th, 2024Integrity on its way?

The state government has introduced new legislation to improve council governance and integrity standards, so Victorians can have confidence in the local governments that serve them.

The state government has introduced new legislation to improve council governance and integrity standards, so Victorians can have confidence in the local governments that serve them.

The reform of the Local Government Act 2020 introduced into Parliament last week is intended to elevate governance and integrity standards in Victoria’s 79 councils, to be in place for the new council term following the local government elections this October.

Since the last council elections in 2020, 56 councillors have resigned and 11 councils have had municipal monitors appointed, with one council suspended and one dismissed as a result of governance issues.

Following extensive consultation with the sector, councils will have a uniform councillor code of conduct to create consistent standards of behaviour and increase accountability.

A program of mandatory training will also be introduced for councillors and mayors, including annual professional development.

The bill will introduce stronger sanctions for councillor misconduct and improved processes to resolve conduct matters earlier.

The Minister for Local Government will also have strengthened powers to deal with councillors who are putting health and safety at risk or are preventing their council from performing its functions.

The reforms have been developed in response to reports and recommendations of IBAC, the Chief Municipal Inspector and other interventions which highlighted the need for stronger processes and powers to resolve conduct issues, and better training so councillors can perform their roles effectively.

Minister for Local Government Melissa Horne (pictured above) said Victorians deserve councils that represent them and meet their needs.

“Our reforms will enhance governance and accountability across all our councils. Our reforms will create a uniform code of conduct across all councillors and introduce mandatory training, supporting councils to best represent the communities they serve.”

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