Just sayin’…

August 9th, 2020Just sayin’…

WELL, here we go again. Lockdown 2.0. Last edition I said there were still many things to be grateful for, so rather than complain I have some more thank-yous.

Firstly, thanks to the security guards at the quarantine hotels. Thanks for taking people shopping, holding card games, sleeping with people with COVID-19 and letting people out because they were tired of being in a four-star hotel. The inquiry into the horrendous figures in Victoria looks like they all can be pretty much traced back to you. Must be proud.
Secondly, thanks to people who looked at us like we were idiots because we wore masks before they were mandated. A few comments come to mind. One woman working in a store at Woodend, looking around slack-jawed and then coming out with the prophetic “I don’t think it will come up here”, another in Daylesford with the zinger “I don’t care about germs” and yet another who, after I told her not to touch me (she prodded my shoulder with her finger as a “hello”) told me I was overreacting and worrying too much because she was “clean”.
The third lot of thanks go to people who are still not wearing masks. The bloke strolling out of the hardware shop, the woman wandering past Coles’ Click & Collect and the teenagers sitting outside a takeaway shop in Daylesford. Sadly you can enforce mask wearing but there is no legislation for either stupidity or just plain selfishness.
Oh, and perhaps a fourth. I was talking to someone in Melbourne and they came up with “at least you are in regional Victoria – you’re all OK”. Hmmm. Maybe they need to have a think about regional Victoria and where a lot of its income comes from. Visitors. From Melbourne. And yes, I know they are doing it tough there and I would much rather be here, but perhaps think before you speak.
Anyway, here we are again and I hope this time that we can get it right and eradicate this virus from our state and our country. The numbers each day make me feel like crying. I don’t know how anyone with someone in an aged care facility in Melbourne is coping. And like everyone I miss my life. I didn’t do much but I didn’t mind a pub meal with mates, or a movie, or just a stroll around the shops. And I feel so sorry for all those businesses who closed and then re-opened and now have to close down again. I know some will not make it through and that is just awful.
I guess we all just have to take it day by day, be kind and don’t panic buy. And maybe make a phone call to your mates and just ask how they are doing. I know it’s like we are living in a nightmare, but they do always end. Just sayin’…

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