Kyle’s Rant

March 13th, 2021Kyle’s Rant

SO, ARE we on Team Markle or Team Queen or Team “don’t give a toss”?

I know that the red blobs of COVID doom have long ago stopped bouncing around over our TV screens and I would never wish it back, but come on mainstream media, what the “yawn” are you shoving down our throats?
It is enough of a rollercoaster ride to find out Dan (The Man) Andrews is down. One minute needing brain surgery, the next spinal and now no surgery. And our Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt has an infection due to his COVID jab…oh no, wait a minute, it’s something to do with his leg…you guys at the TV newsrooms are making this stuff up as you go along.

I think sometimes the weekly grind of producing public interest news content has a detrimental effect in terms of the “just get it out the door” attitudes of newsrooms. As you can see by the above, some of the mainstream media latch on to half-truths and rumours and race to get the aforementioned non-fact online first, and then adjust the story as the facts start to stack up. It’s sort of like building a sandcastle. You start with a large lump of sand (the rumour) and firm it up as you beat it into shape and it starts to reveal itself. It is the same with a rushed story, it simply takes shape as the real facts reveal themselves.
But on to my point. The past 12 months have been tumultuous for all on our mortal coil and it is not much different here at TL HQ – with tears, tantrums and tirades as we have not missed a beat keeping our community informed.
While some publications shut down and then reopened and then shut down again, or just remained shut down, our crew stood fast, never missing a deadline.
That is also despite having two printers close down and being currently printed in NSW. Still we endeavoured to always have our paper in the readers’ hands every Tuesday without fail – even if that meant working seven days, driving to NSW and back to pick up the paper – the team at TL HQ were always up for the challenge, and now it’s time to crank up the marching band.
The pandemic surely is in its last throes and we have ensured the community have been kept up to date and we have even sprinkled in a bit of humour and brightness with the characters and stories we have unearthed.
Moving forward your Local news will always be available seven days per week at www.tlnews.com.au and the magazine will be produced every fortnight starting from now, just like the good old pre-pandemic days.
It is now time for us and our crew to take a long breath of fresh air, not those shallow rapid ones of the past 12 months.
Deep breath rant over…

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