Kyle’s Rant…

September 30th, 2024Kyle’s Rant…

The cat is now out of the bag. TL HQ (AKA The Old Glenlyon Primary School) is on the market with rumours and speculation whirring about the future of The Local. (It's all good...)

The cat is now out of the bag. TL HQ (AKA The Old Glenlyon Primary School) is on the market with rumours and speculation whirring about the future of The Local. (It’s all good…)

And the old story stands true, if you don’t know what you are doing in a small town, just wait a moment and the townsfolk will tell you.

So, after 20 years of enjoying our wonderful home, creating a business (The Local) in what is arguably one of the best offices I’ve ever worked from, we have decided to hand over the role of custodian of the school to the next people.

I never really thought of myself as the owner of the school, it was more like it owned us and we were simply the caretakers, and it has been an absolute pleasure and honour.

But The Local is a lot of work alongside my other commitments, which these days include visits now and again to the Gold Coast writing for boating industry magazines.

Yes, my other dream job. I mean, who wouldn’t want to write about and capture the joys and handling characteristics of gin palaces while clipping down the humpback highway at outrageous speeds. Dipping a toe into the lifestyles of the rich and famous, seeing how the other half live and not having to pay for the fuel.

So, we are going to downsize and live in the lovely town of Daylesford where life is a little more convenient, the watering holes are but a stagger away, and yes, it will be business as usual for The Local which these days is mostly run by Donna.

I simply keep the air in the tyres in terms of logistics and bookwork. The decision has been a five-year back and forth arm wrestle with her indoors, but finally we are ready to make the move. It’s not easy.

The Glenlyon School is not just a home but also a very special place shared by generations. God knows it’s so hard to make the decision to sell your home, let alone to sell something with so much history that gets all the ooohs and aahhs as visitors come through the doors.

A place where the crew from The Local have spent many a relaxed afternoon shooting the breeze in the aptly named “boardroom”, a 16-seat long table positioned under the 150-year-old oak tree.

So I hope this puts to rest anymore rumours that we are off, and that we are simply doing what many people do, decide it’s time for a smaller home and one that is a bit closer to amenities.

But that’s enough about our journey and on to the current affairs of the day, starting with old Trumpy and the strange claim immigrants are “eating the cats and dogs” in Springfield.

Except the woman who started the rumour, found her cat alive and well under the house, and then popped next door to humbly apologise to her neighbours for the baseless accusation. I doubt a spare cup of sugar is now available.

And then we move on to the discriminate killings that are going on in the Middle East which have turned indiscriminate. Killing innocent people who just happen to be in the same place at the same time as the target.

Who dreams this kind of madness up, the world’s in enough of a pickle as it is and now it won’t be long before an upgraded mobile phone could be your end.

Finally good news, and closer to home, huge congratulations to all of our sporting heroes involved in this year’s football and netball finals.

And especially to the efforts of the Daylesford Seniors Netball and Football teams who had a cracker performance in the Grand Finals. Congratulations. And commiseration to Hepburn netballers – so close but no cigar. Rumour rant over…

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