Local Lines

June 23rd, 2022Local Lines

Local Lines


You can never get there too soon.
Unless you are confined to bed
life is being in one place
and then another

Stay on the speed limit
or even creep a little over
but aim to be
in place. Transit
is nowhere at all.

Travelling requires remaining
still. And the further you go
the longer you will be required
to sit bunched up
in a car a bus a plane.

Only when you get there
when you are far from home
do you get to move
as normal –
walk run skippedy-do.

  • Bill Wootton

Bill lives in Hepburn Springs and like everyone else, has travelled less than he would have liked in the last couple of years.

Local Lines comes mainly from a group of local poets but other submissions are always welcome. To have a poem considered for publication contact Bill Wootton at cottlesbreedge@gmail.com

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