Local Lines : Who is it for?

June 1st, 2020Local Lines : Who is it for?

Irene Mooney was born in Scotland, and now lives in Daylesford.

Who is it for?

I’m writing a memoir, but who is it for?

Does anyone care that I lived through a war?

Will my granddaughters smile at my teenage romances,

Or laugh at the dresses I wore to the dances.

I’ve lived, laughed and loved in my eighty odd years

The good times, the bad times, the smiles and the tears

All come flooding back as I lift up my pen,

The friends of my childhood, I see them again.

I nurtured three children, a dog and a cat

I sang on the stage, but who cares about that?

I’ve met interesting people in faraway places

Vienna, Shanghai, I remember their faces.

The ship to Australia to start a new life

A nurse, a companion, a mother, a wife

My parents, my brother, lost loved ones I see

As I relive the memories – I’m writing for me.

Irene Mooney

Irene Mooney was born in Scotland, and now lives in Daylesford.  In her eighty-second year she is writing her memoir, which she is thinking of calling ‘Just getting the hang of it when it’s nearly time to go!’.  

Poems for Local Lines come predominantly from a group of poets. However, other locals who would like a poem considered for publication can contact Bill Wootton – cottlesbreedge@gmail.com

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