Local school named sustainability champion

November 2nd, 2023Local school named sustainability champion

A small school in the Macedon Ranges has been recognised as a sustainability champion, achieving the highest level of certification through Victoria’s ResourceSmart Schools program.

A small school in the Macedon Ranges has been recognised as a sustainability champion, achieving the highest level of certification through Victoria’s ResourceSmart Schools program.

Minister for Environment Steve Dimopoulos in recent days presented teachers and students at Newham Primary School with a 5 Star certificate.

The school joined the ResourceSmart School program in 2014 and are one of the program’s longest standing active schools.

The school has worked tirelessly over the last nine years to actively reduce their waste to landfill and energy consumption. The school has achieved reductions in the energy use by 92,000 kilowatts, reduced emissions by 96 tonnes of carbon emissions, and planted over 1000 trees, boosting biodiversity along the banks of Deep Creek tributary, creating a nature corridor for wildlife that connects with the Cobaw Biolink.

The ResourceSmart Schools program, delivered by Sustainability Victoria, supports Victorian schools to embed sustainability across school facilities, community and curriculum.Since 2008, the ResourceSmart Schools program has assisted more than 1,400 schools to save 1.8 million kilolitres of water, divert 194,000 cubic metres of waste from landfill and abate 118,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.

Through the program, participating schools have saved a total of $41 million on school operations bills. As part of Sustainability in Schools month, throughout November, schools can participate in a wide range of free activities.

Member for Macedon,Mary-Anne Thomas: “I congratulateNewham Primary School on their 5-star certificate for their amazing achievements on reducing their waste to landfilland energy consumption. Theirsuccess isan example of what can be achievedby working together to combat climate change.”

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