Macedon Ranges gets set to welcome 31 new citizens

January 25th, 2025Macedon Ranges gets set to welcome 31 new citizens

The Macedon Ranges Shire Council is preparing to welcome its newest citizens at a Citizenship Ceremony on Tuesday 28 January.  

The Macedon Ranges Shire Council is preparing to welcome its newest citizens at a Citizenship Ceremony on Tuesday 28 January.  

The ceremony will take place at the Kyneton Town Hall, commencing at 6pm, and will welcome 31 new citizens from 12 countries including: Iraq, India, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Iran, Serbia,  Vietnam, South Africa, Scotland, Philippines, Ireland and Germany.  

Conferees will officially pledge their loyalty to Australia and will be presented with a certificate to  confirm their Australian Citizenship. Each adult conferee will be presented with an Australian native plant and an ‘Aussie Pride Badge’.

The badge combines our flag and the symbolism of Australia’s  national flower, the Golden Wattle. Each child conferee will be presented with a small Australian gift.  

The Kyneton Municipal Band will provide entertainment on the night.  

Council CEO Bernie O’Sullivan, Mayor Dom Bonanno, fellow Councillors and local Members of  Parliament are expected to attend.  

All members of the community are welcome to attend and join in celebrating the occasion.  

Under the Australian Citizenship Ceremonies Code administered by the Australian Government’s Department of Home Affairs: ‘Councils must hold a ceremony on Australia Day, or the three days prior  or the three days after Australia Day.’

 The council’s annual Community Awards have been shifted to May, during National  Volunteer Week, in a move designed to streamline the council’s various award programs.

This story based on a Macedon Ranges Shire Council media release

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