Meet MC Art Simone

February 10th, 2023Meet MC Art Simone

Art Simone will MC the All Ages event Saturday Sound Shell, and co-MC at Carnivale with ABC’s favourite weatherman Nate Byrne! She chatted with ChillOut Festival's Fabry-Jenkins.

Art Simone will MC the All Ages event Saturday Sound Shell, and co-MC at Carnivale with ABC’s favourite weatherman Nate Byrne! She chatted with ChillOut Festival’s Fabry-Jenkins.

Amy: Art, you’re performing at ChillOut Festival again this year – it‘s not your first rodeo! What’s your favourite ChillOut festival memory? 

Art: My favourite memory of ChillOut Festival is always being part of Street Parade – being surrounded by so many supportive people who come together to champion and celebrate everything queer is just so special! 

Amy: What do you like about performing at LGBTQIA+ events? Is there anything that makes regional pride events different? 

Art: Performing at regional events is super important to me because I’m a believer that everyone deserves to have safe, inclusive spaces where they can be themselves and be surrounded by like-minded individuals. Being outside of metro locations can at time be super isolating, so it’s important to bring these events to regional areas so everyone can feel valid and loved. Because of this I often find that regional audiences are even more fun as patrons are so appreciative and thankful for all the glitter, glam and gorgeousness!

Amy: ChillOut Festival is Australia’s longest running regional pride event – this is our 26th year! What your earliest memory (or an early memory you hold dear) of LGBQTIA+ community?

Art: ChillOut Festival was my first experience of a regional pride event – I remember having the opportunity of performing at the carnival and being surrounded by so much queer community was so uplifting and fulfilling. 

Amy: What are you looking forward to this ChillOut Festival? 
Art: What NOT is there to look forward to – there is a star-studded program filled with amazing events, entertainers and everything you could want. But of COURSE I am looking forward to the All Ages Soundshell with me on Saturday 11th and of course Carnivale on the 13th! 

Amy: This year’s festival theme is ‘Find Your Wings” – celebrating the reappearance of local native ‘bright eyed brown butterfly’ and of everyone in the LGBTQIA+ community finding themselves, their happy place, their community. When or how did you ‘find your wings’?
Art: I found my wings through the art of drag. I often liken drag to being my superhero uniform. It’s what has helped me to be a better version of myself and live life to the fullest. 

Amy: With the exception of the festival, what else can we expect from you in 2023?

Art: This year is JAM PACKED with so many exciting opportunities coming my way – But make sure you look out for season 2 of my podcast “Concealed – With Art Simone” on the iheart network, plus I am starring in the ABC drama series “In our blood” which starts airing from February 19th!

Saturday Sound Shell, Saturday 11 March 11am – 3pm, Hepburn Amphitheatre | FREE ALL AGES EVENT

Carnivale, Sunday 12 March 11am – 3pm, Victoria Park, Daylesford

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