New EV charger for Mechanics Trentham

July 24th, 2024New EV charger for Mechanics Trentham

Trentham now has a new EV charger powered by 100% local renewable energy.

Trentham now has a new EV charger powered by 100% local renewable energy.

The Mechanics Trentham is now hosting the Hepburn Shire’s fourth electric vehicle (EV) charging station thanks to a collaboration between Hepburn Energy, Chargefox and the Hepburn Shire Council.

The new charge point came online in recent days, co-funded through the state government’s Destination Charging Across Victoria (DCAV) program and installed by Jetcharge.

It’s the fourth and final one to be installed as part of the DCAV program in the Hepburn Shire.

The stations are helping the region’s tourism industry become more sustainable while strengthening shire-wide efforts to reach zero-net emissions by 2030 as part of the Hepburn Z-NET partnership.

All of them are part of the Chargefox network, Australia’s largest EV charging network.

Hepburn Energy’s General Manager, Taryn Lane, says she’s excited to see the roll-out contribute to local zero-net emissions efforts.

“We are delighted with the charger’s new location at the Mechanics Trentham and thank council for making this amazing site available for the community charger,” she says.

“Each EV station installed takes a crucial step towards decarbonising local transport and contributing to our Hepburn Z-NET zero-net emissions target for 2030. And with these new chargers, community members and tourists can feel confident making this shift.”

Hepburn Shire Council Mayor, Cr Brian Hood, said the council was pleased to be working with project partners Hepburn Energy and Chargefox on delivering an additional charging station in the shire.

“We thank the State Government for the funding they have provided to make this project possible, and our local community-owned renewable energy provider Hepburn Energy for stepping up as financial and delivery partners for the roll-out of these important community assets,” Cr Hood said.

“The charging stations delivered across our shire not only help to boost tourism to our region, they will assist us in reaching our shire’s zero-net emissions target and further build on Hepburn’s climate action and sustainability culture.”

Chargefox CEO John Sullivan says that having Hepburn Energy and Chargefox working together was a fantastic example of home-grown innovation and collaboration.

”Hepburn has long been a pioneer in community energy, showing what’s possible when like-minded Australians come together to achieve an ambitious goal,” he said.

“This resonates so closely with the Chargefox story which is why we’re so proud to make these chargers available to everyone through the Chargefox platform.”

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