New office bearers for Daylesford Probus

March 23rd, 2020New office bearers for Daylesford Probus

THE Probus Club of Daylesford held its annual general meeting on Tuesday, March 17.

THE Probus Club of Daylesford held its annual general meeting on Tuesday, March 17 which saw the election of the following office bearers and committee members: President – Stephen Walker; Senior Vice President – Garth Marks; Junior Vice President – Keith Pyers; Secretary – Susan Priest; Treasurer – Bev Ryan; Immediate Past President – Anne Bremner; and committee members Dot Bull, Margaret Coffey and Lois Voterakis.

Probus is an association for active members of the community and those no longer working full time to join together for a new lease of life. Its basic purpose is to advance intellectual and cultural interest amongst adult persons; to provide regular opportunities to progress healthy minds and active bodies, through social interaction and activities and to enjoy the fellowship of new friends.

The Probus Club of Daylesford normally meets on the third Tuesday of each month commencing at 10am at the Daylesford Bowling Club, Camp Street. However due to the current coronavirus situation all Probus operations have been suspended until July, at this point.

New members will be made very welcome once the situation returns to normal with enquiries directed to Susan Priest on 5348 7674.

Pictured from left, Dot Bull, Anne Bremner, Stephen Walker, Margaret Coffey, Keith Pyers, Susan Priest, Lois Voterakis and Garth Marks

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