Queer book club chapter turns first page in Daylesford

May 17th, 2024Queer book club chapter turns first page in Daylesford

A new Daylesford chapter of the Queer Book Club has started this week.

A new Daylesford chapter of the Queer Book Club has started this week.

Club founder Robyn said “Queer Book Club started in 2022, we’ve been attracting people who are not only interested in exploring LGBTQIA+ literature, but also connection to community.”

After moving regionally, they found there were fewer opportunities for social meetups specifically within the LGBTQIA+ community.

The monthly meetup has resonated with many and has now branched out with Daylesford is the newest chapter to bring people together monthly for the love of literature and community connection.

The new Daylesford chapter start this Wednesday 15 May 2024, and will now meet monthly on the third Wednesday at a local hospitality venue.

Attendance at meet-ups is free, and food and drinks are available to purchase at the venue.

The queer books for discussion were chosen by an annual online survey of book club members. Members can access the books by buying them (most are available as ebooks) or borrowing them from a library or friend.

Queer Book Club hopes to donate some copies of the selected queer books to Hepburn Libraries so they are available for the whole community.

Anyone interested can obtain more information about the Daylesford chapter by joining the Queer Book Club private Facebook group.

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