Recipes with Jen Clarke

November 13th, 2022Recipes with Jen Clarke

I know the weather is still cold and wet in our little world-of-its-own micro climate (how often have you driven out of the foggy, drizzling highlands towards Melbourne to discover that it’s actually sunny down there?), but surely it is time for some lighter dishes on the menu after a steady diet of steaming casseroles and rib-sticking winter stews.

Crispy-skinned salmon
I know the weather is still cold and wet in our little world-of-its-own
microclimate (how often have you driven out of the foggy, drizzling highlands
towards Melbourne to discover that it’s actually sunny down there?), but surely it is
time for some lighter dishes on the menu after a steady diet of steaming casseroles and
rib-sticking winter stews.
I have finally discovered a failsafe method of cooking salmon with a delightfully
crispy skin. You must try this. It is super easy and takes about ten minutes.
Dry the salmon fillets with a paper towel. If you have time, leave the salmon in
the fridge on a plate for an hour to help dry it out, but don’t worry too much if you
Drizzle a small amount of olive oil over the skin of the salmon and sprinkle
the skin with sea salt. Place the fish in a cold frying pan that will fit the fillets
comfortably, skin side down. I use a cast iron pan that has good, even heat.
Turn the heat to medium high and let the salmon cook, undisturbed, for about
six minutes. Wait until the salmon is about three-quarters cooked; you will be able
to see the flesh changing to an opaque colour. Turn the heat down a fraction if it is
getting too hot. Nudge the salmon gently with some tongs, and if the skin sticks to
the pan leave it for a minute or so more before flipping it over for another minute or
so to cook the other side.
Serve immediately with the skin side up with some lemon to squeeze. It really
doesn’t need anything else, except some side veggies (or a salad if you want to buy a
lettuce that is probably more expensive than the salmon).

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