Still can’t get no…

July 4th, 2024Still can’t get no…

Results from Hepburn Shire Council’s Community Satisfaction Survey have been released.

Results from Hepburn Shire Council’s Community Satisfaction Survey have been released.

The state government-commissioned survey is administered by JWS Research and covers the period from June 1, 2023 to March 18, 2024 and is now conducted quarterly instead of yearly.

In the survey 72 per cent of survey respondents rated the shire’s overall performance as ‘average and above’, an increase from 70 per cent in the previous year.

Mayor Cr Brian Hood said it was pleasing to see improvements in many of the key metrics.

“We recognise council has lots more to do to improve its service delivery, but seeing this upward trend in many service areas is a further step in the right direction.

“Of the 17 service areas surveyed, council recorded improved results in 12 areas compared to the last survey and the same result in one area. There was a decline in satisfaction in four service areas.”

However, the council still finds itself below other small rural shires and state-wide results in 14 of the 17 areas surveyed.

The survey results for overall satisfaction in those 14 areas were:

Hepburn 2024 | Hepburn 2023 | Small Rural 2024 | State-wide 2024
Overall performance: 49 49 53 54
Customer service: 64 66 66 67
Appearance of public areas: 64 60 71 68
Recreational facilities: 61 57 67 68
Enforcement of local laws: 56 53 60 61
Community decisions: 46 42 50 50
Sealed local roads: 29 33 41 45
Planning & building permits: 35 39 43 45
Business & community development: 56 54 57 57
Environmental sustainability: 57 56 59 60
Value for money: 42 41 47 48
Waste management: 65 64 67 67
Recreational facilities: 61 57 67 68
Lobbying: 48 44 50 50
Community decisions: 46 42 50 50; and
Slashing & weed control: 42 39 46 45
Those closest to small rural shires and/or statewide results were:
Tourism development: 61 62 61 59; and
Overall council direction: 44 41 44 45
The best result was for Consultation & engagement: 52 46 51 51.
They survey findings said one in five residents (21%) rate the value for money
they receive from the council in infrastructure and services as ‘very good’ or ‘good’.
Almost twice as many rate the council as ‘very poor’ or ‘poor’ (39%).
Link: www.hepburn.vic.gov.au/Council/Plans-and-publications/Performance

Words: Donna Kelly

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