Dean delivers the goods

December 22nd, 2023Dean delivers the goods

It was a happy occasion in Creswick.
Anglicare volunteer Eileen Coveney, Cr Don Henderson, Dean Recreation Reserve president Brian Maher, Dean Recreation Reserve treasurer Rob Turley, Stephen Crane of Elders Insurance (Dean and District Sheepdog Trials sponsor) and Anglicare Victoria’s Kim Boyd with food relief items distributed through Creswick Neighbourhood Centre.

It was a happy occasion in Creswick.

Dean Recreation Reserve president Brian Maher and treasure Rob Turley both rolled up at the Creswick Neighbourhood Centre a bit over a week ago, especially to do one of their favourite things – present a cheque.

This time it was to Anglicare Victoria’s food relief program that runs out of the Creswick Neighbourhood Centre.

The cheque was for a handy $1500 and was the proceeds of money raised through raffles run at this year’s Dean Kite Festival in September, and the Dean and District Sheepdog Trials in October.

The Dean Recreation Reserve committee run both popular events on their attractive little rec reserve and each year donates the proceeds raised to good local causes.

“We like to see the money we make go to the local community and we’d especially like to thank all our supporters who donated items for the raffles,” said Dean Recreation Reserve treasurer Rob Turley.

On the receiving end of the cheque this time round, Anglicare Victoria’s Ballarat-based community development manager, Kim Boyd said demand for the emergency relief program is increasing.

“We’re certainly seeing an increase this year in the demand for food support and extra support around Christmas,” Kim said.

“The demand on us is steadily increasing.”

The swiftly accepted $1500 cheque will be used to purchase food items which will now be distributed to those in need in the local area.

“This is an outreach centre and we work in partnership with the Creswick Neighbourhood House and the local parish and other community groups,” Kim said.

Creswick Neighbourhood Centre manger Chrissy Austin said they’ve also noticed the increased demand from people seeking help through the emergency food relief program.

“We see people in need daily here. We’re so grateful to Anglicare,” she said.

“This is a very important program to us. We have a steady stream of people. There’s just so much need in the community.”

Words and Image: Eve Lamb

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