Chance to help shape Victoria’s new animal protection laws

February 27th, 2024Chance to help shape Victoria’s new animal protection laws

The draft bill for a new Animal Care and Protection Act has been released for public comment, but you'd better be quick as the opportunity to have input closes early next month.

The draft bill for a new Animal Care and Protection Act has been released for public comment, but you’d better be quick as the opportunity to have input closes early next month.

It is the final opportunity for feedback before the bill for a new Act is finalised. The new Act would replace Victoria’s current Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986.

A new Act would explicitly recognise animal sentience and set minimum care requirements for animals in Victorian law for the first time.

The approach to cruelty offences would be strengthened, and the legislation would support co-regulation to reduce the regulatory burden on industries.

Activities like farming, pest control, hunting, fishing and racing would be able to continue under the new laws.

Reforming the laws is intended to protect animals from cruelty while supporting Victorians to continue to interact responsibly with them and is also aimed at helping to maintain trust in the state’s animal-based activities and industries.

Regulations setting out requirements for specific species and activities involving animals would support the Act.  A new Act would not come into force for at least wo years to enable development of the new regulations.

The first consultation on the regulations has opened alongside the draft bill consultation.

The consultation is open until 8 March with input able to be lodged via the Engage Victoria website.

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