Integrate Fitness team at Kettlebell Nationals

September 13th, 2023Integrate Fitness team at Kettlebell Nationals

The Integrate Fitness Kettlebell Team, aka the Daylesford Swingers, headed to Brisbane for the 2023 GSAA Australian National KettlebellKettlebell, Beth Whiting, Championships held over September 2 and 3.

Images: Kyle Barnes & Donna Kelly

Above left, from left, Melissa Ryan, Shirlene Nevill, Beth Whiting and Sue King.

The Integrate Fitness Kettlebell Team, aka the Daylesford Swingers, headed to Brisbane for the 2023 GSAA Australian National Kettlebell Championships held over September 2 and 3.
Coach and competitor Beth Whiting said it was an incredible weekend filled with amazing lifting, catching up with wonderful people and making new friends.
“The Integrate ladies – Shirlene Nevill, Melissa Ryan, Sue King, and myself, lifted our hearts out and produced some amazing results, many of them personal bests. As a coach I have loved watching these ladies grow into incredible lifters. The strength and resilience they each show is nothing short of amazing.”

Shirlene Nevill competed in the One Arm Jerk – 12kg – 174 repetitions and the Military Snatch – 12kg – 200 reps.
“Shirlene produced a mammoth result for her One Arm Jerk. Shirlene has been chasing the rank of Veteran Candidate Master of Sport for some time now. On Saturday this ever elusive goal was realised,” Beth said.
“Shirlene exemplifies grit and determination. She has missed the rank by mere reps in the past two competitions. Others would just walk away, however Shirlene has faced the challenge head on and this weekend she reaped the rewards for all of her hard work and resilience. Congratulations on her incredible achievement of Veteran CMS.”
Melissa Ryan competed in the Military Snatch – 18kg – 227 repetitions – Rank 1.
“Melissa is the personification of strength. The 18kg Military Snatch has become our baseline test from last year’s Nationals.
“Mel has overcome challenges in the past year that would have thwarted the training campaign of even the most seasoned athlete. She has taken everything in her stride and has come back stronger than ever to produce a personal best in this lift.
“Mel is an absolute powerhouse. I cannot wait to see what this incredible woman is lifting at the 2024 Nationals.”
Sue King competed in the One Arm Long Cycle – 10kg – 131 reps – Rank 3 and the Military Snatch – 14kg – 202 reps.”You would never have known that this was Sue’s first Nationals. She lifted like an absolute pro. Sue has been chasing a rank for her OALC and on Saturday she achieved it.
“Sue’s superpower is technique and skill acquisition. Her ability to transfer strength and skill from one mode of training to another is remarkable.
“This served her well on the weekend when she produced a personal best on the OALC by a staggering 11 reps to achieve Rank 3. Congratulations Sue.”
Beth competed in the Biathlon – 16kg – 298 points (Jerk 82 reps/snatch 134 reps) Rank 1 and the One Arm Long Cycle – 30 minute half marathon – 20kg – 291 reps Candidate Master of Sport.
“I won the Biathlon, which wasn’t hard as I was the only contestant. However what I am proud of is my first place in the Jerk. I am not fond of this lift and produced some very decent numbers under some of the most challenging conditions I have lifted under.
“I also won the inaugural Lifter of the Year Award in the Open Women’s category. This award is akin to the best all rounder award with results taken from each of the competitions throughout the year. I am super jazzed to have won this award.
“In regards to future competitions, with results from the weekend, Shirlene and I both qualify to represent Australia. Melissa has also qualified to represent Australia in a previous competition.”

Beth Whiting lifting with plenty of support from the crowd.

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