More than smashed avo: circular economy breakfasts catch on in Hepburn

January 6th, 2024More than smashed avo: circular economy breakfasts catch on in Hepburn

Encouraged by the success of its first ever circular economy breakfast, the Hepburn Shire Council is now inviting more locals to make sure they're part of the next.
Above: Jodi Newcombe presenting on Circular Economy 101 at the Creswick Neighbourhood Centre.

Encouraged by the success of its first ever circular economy breakfast, the Hepburn Shire Council is now inviting more locals to make sure they’re part of the next.

In its last sustainable Hepburn newsletter for 2023, the council reported that it had been “thrilled to see a great turnout in Creswick for the Circular Economy Business Breakfast in November”.

Businesses across construction, fashion, design, education, and engineering heard from the council’s Circular Economy Officer, Jodi Newcombe, on the soon-to-be-released Circular Hepburn Toolkit for Businesses.

Attendees also participated in a mini workshop with the circularity deck and saw a demonstration of Taylor Hay’s plastic injection moulding machine.   

Councillor Don Henderson and Tim Drylie opened and closed the event, which was the first in the series fostering a local circular economy community of practice.

Business and Tourism Creswick and the Creswick Neighbourhood Centre partnered with the council in hosting the inaugural event.    

The council is now inviting residents to sign up for its circular economy newsletter to make sure they’re notified of the next such event. 

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