Your say…

June 7th, 2024Your say…

Hepburn Shire Council has shown it is not really interested in genuine consultation with the community of Creswick.

Consultation falls short for Creswick community

Hepburn Shire Council has shown it is not really interested in genuine consultation with the community of Creswick.

Given that this community has a significant number of mature-aged people who are digitally illiterate, many without the internet/computers or mobile phones, how does the council think it is appropriate to have all the details of the proposed Future Strategy and feedback avenues all online?

Their only attempt to make it accessible (initially – as copies have now been placed in the library) was to hold a community meeting – which was held on a Friday between 5pm and 8pm.

Many elderly will not drive or walk after dark so that ruled them out. The others that had children and/or worked are not likely to show up either. Not to mention the fact that a letter sent out to notify all the residents of the consultation meeting arrived four days after the meeting date.

As one of the residents who were invited to contribute to the three-stage Creswick consultation process, I was stunned to see that the plan to develop the area around the railway station with multi-storey buildings was on the agenda from day one.

Despite the council being told it would destroy the amenity of the area and that this was a city plan for our iconic and heritage railway building to be surrounded by high-rise apartments, it has still remained in the plan.

Let’s face it, there are four trains a day and it is a single rail line, as such this area is unlikely to become a transport hub in the next couple of decades.

Very strong feedback was given by the group for the immediate need for indoor amenities for youth and a swimming pool. These are totally left out of the plan.

This plan needs to be put on pause until after the council elections in October so the community can vote for people who want what the residents want, not what the state government and developers want.

From Wendy Cato, Creswick

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