Thoughts of today needed to help protect  heritage for the future

June 5th, 2023Thoughts of today needed to help protect heritage for the future

The Macedon Ranges Shire Council is reviewing its Heritage Strategy and is inviting the local community to provide input.

The Macedon Ranges Shire Council is reviewing its Heritage Strategy and is inviting the local community to provide input.

Residents are being asked to submit photos of natural or built heritage aspects of the Macedon Ranges, along with a brief explanation of what they love about the heritage of the shire, what they would like to keep and what think needs to change.

The submissions will be used to help inform Council’s updated Heritage Strategy.

The Heritage Strategy sets the council’s approach to the management of heritage within the shire and helps identify the work already completed by the council in this area, while identifying and prioritising future work. It assists with managing assets for the community and celebrates the rich history and heritage of the Macedon Ranges.

The council’s Director Planning and Environment Rebecca Stockfeld encouraged residents to consider the different elements of heritage including the natural and built worlds, First Nations and colonial past, which includes historic buildings and architecture.

“Heritage includes things like our histories of women, migrants and workers, exotic trees and plantings, historic landscapes for water or travel, and our agricultural history,” she said. “It can also be about those in our community who champion the heritage we love and work to preserve it.”

“It’s everything that combines to form the unique history of the Macedon Ranges and what we all love about it today.”

Photos will be displayed in an image gallery on the website and a selection will be used in the Heritage Strategy 2023 documentation.

For information and to submit your photos and feedback, visit Have Your Say

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