VOGA cycle club hosts femmes social off road ride at Creswick

February 28th, 2024VOGA cycle club hosts femmes social off road ride at Creswick

The VOGA Cycle Club is hosting a special social ride for women at Creswick next month with beginners welcome.

The VOGA Cycle Club is hosting a special social ride for women at Creswick next month with beginners welcome.

Club members say all women, girls, females and non-indentifying persons are welcome to take part
in the Sunday social ride that happens March 3 and aims to introduce women and girls to the fun and benefits of off road cycling.

Lead by female Voga members, the upcoming ride is also aimed at introducing locals to the club and to some local trails and gravel.

Club members say it will be a sociable ride conducted at a relaxed pace over 90 minutes or so and will be suitable for any off road bicycle – think chunky tires and decent brakes.

They also say that helmets will be mandatory and participants need to make sure their bike is in good working order.

Participants will meet at Creswick’s Hammon Park in the car park near the toilets at 9.30am on Sunday March 3.

All levels of fitness and ability will be welcome and organisers hint that there will be some well deserved snacks on return.

They’re also hoping to make it a regular activity happening every three to four weeks. More information is available by contacting the Voga Cycle Club.

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