Woman of vision: meet videographer Nadine Jade

June 8th, 2024Woman of vision: meet videographer Nadine Jade

After many years of paying her dues in the competitive world of professional video production, Bullarto’s Nadine Jade has reached the stage where she can finally choose which projects to accept.
Nadine Jade. Image: Eve Lamb

After many years of paying her dues in the competitive world of professional video production, Bullarto’s Nadine Jade has reached the stage where she can finally choose which projects to accept.

It’s a position many in this hard-to-crack field would envy – but it’s been hard-earnt.

Nadine’s chosen path emerged early, while still at high school in Ballarat when she started studying photography and then video production.

“When I was in year 10 I discovered the dark room. It was the mid-90s so it was still film and analogue VHS editing,” she says.

“I found I loved capturing people. Then I discovered video and the Mount Clear High School at Ballarat was very well equipped with a TV studio and editing suite so I learnt how to properly produce videos from about the age of 16.

“Then I started to do pro shoots in crews and make music videos. When it went to digital I was in my early 20s and I taught myself digital editing… I love editing. Turning beautiful shots into a coherent story.

“When I was 22 I started working in the industry as a video editor in Prahran.”

Creating video is a passion as well as a profession for Nadine who has just produced a video telling the story of artist and musician Monty Osewald, a colourful Daylesford character with an eventful  life story.

Nadine’s new Monty Osewald, Artist video began to take shape after Monty himself checked out her work and, duly impressed, commissioned her.

The resultant production has been enjoying a public audience at The Convent gallery in Daylesford, complementing Monty’s own most recent art exhibition that’s been staged there.

“It covers his whole life and Monty gave me a lot of background photos and artwork and the soundtrack also features his own music and also music by other local musicians,” Nadine says.

“Monty is just one of those people who is always evolving, producing new art and music. He is more modern than I am in a lot of ways even though he’s been on the earth for longer.”

Nadine says being asked to make Monty’s biographical video-doco was an honour, and after some 300 hours of work on it, she says it’s still not quite done.

“It’s about 98 percent finished.”

Nadine says  she just wants to add a little more historic detail before declaring the video 100 percent done and ready for online release.

It’s just one in a suite of current projects for Nadine Jade Productions, Nadine’s business that specialises in video production including  biographical documentary, music video and corporate work.

But Nadine has also worked on feature and short films including a notable film short that’s soon to screen as part of the St Kilda Film Festival.

This is The Job by award-winning director Tatiana Doroshenko. Nadine worked as assistant director for The Job that will feature as part of the opening of the St Kilda Film Festival on June 6.

Nadine also worked on a feature film, a thriller, shot at Glenlyon in 2021 and expected to be released later this year.

But next on the immediate horizon is a music video being made with a local band in Daylesford. This project is a little hush-hush just now but sounds pretty exciting while Nadine’s prior music videos can be checked out on YouTube.

As the mother of two teenagers, the local videographer says she generally complements her creative professional income by also working in hospitality , currently at popular local watering hole, the Radio Springs Hotel.

But despite the imperatives of parenthood, as a mature-age student Nadine made the time to also complete studies in screen and media study though RMIT.

“At the moment I’m the busiest I’ve ever been with video work,” she says.

“People want me to do the work and I’m finally at the stage where I am able to choose which projects I take on … and which I don’t .  I want my video work to feel enjoyable.”

 A fan of Danish film director and screenwriter, Lars von Trier, with a particular liking for psychological drama, Nadine says one personal goal remains to write and direct a short to target the St Kilda Film Festival.

“I have a couple of screen plays that I’ve written and I’d love to have something I’ve directed to enter into the St Kilda Film Festival. I feel like that’s the next step,” she says.

“Everything I create I write, shoot, direct, do the sound, edit. That’s what I love to do. You never know what job comes next … and I kind of like that.”

Words: Eve Lamb

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