Your say…

May 28th, 2024Your say…

I am writing to voice my disapproval of the proposed Hepburn Shire Council Draft Plan to change the town boundary along a section of East Street directly across from where I live.

Pastures not pavements!

I am writing to voice my disapproval of the proposed Hepburn Shire Council Draft Plan to change the town boundary along a section of East Street directly across from where I live.

My main objection is that it is prime productive farming land which has been farmed for generations and should remain that way into the future.

While this is presently an East Street issue, I believe the entire Daylesford community should rally against this inappropriate land grab and the lack of council consultation in respect of the sudden announcement three weeks ago.

We were all blindsided, including the farm owners. Pastures not pavements!

From Sandy Breen, Daylesford

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