Your say… Bring back Nicole now

May 15th, 2023Your say… Bring back Nicole now

I have been listening to Nicole Chvastek's show Statewide Drive on the ABC radio for many years. I tune in most days to keep abreast on issues relevant in my life.

I have been listening to Nicole Chvastek’s show Statewide Drive on the ABC
radio for many years. I tune in most days to keep abreast on issues relevant in
my life.
I also enjoy the light-hearted, witty banter and music segments.
I’ve heard on many occasions politicians on both ends of the spectrum being
challenged and held accountable when they are making decisions which affect us. She
is an A-class journalist and has become a trusted spokesperson for us.
We are being told she will be back in a few weeks, I and many others hope this
to be true. To tune in one day and not have her on our airwaves with no reason or
explanation is disrespectful to listeners.
There are many others who share my view, you just have to read the comments
listeners are writing on the change.org petition. We just want her back, in her seat, on
her show, doing what she does best.
Nicole is one of the best presenters in the country and doesn’t deserve to be the
victim of in-house, conservative, political posturing at the ABC.
I miss hearing Nicole on my radio every afternoon. Nicole lives in regional
Victoria and she knows the issues which are important to us. She is such a
compassionate person who is able to discuss very emotional and emotive issues so
respectfully and with a focused and balanced approach.
I miss her sense of humour and banter with guests, people who call in and her
colleagues. Please bring her back.
From – Chantal Leaver, Creswick

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