Kids’ backpacks

June 21st, 2022Kids’ backpacks

Creswick's St Andrew’s Uniting Church women have, for the last 15 years, been providing school backpacks filled with supplies including pencils, textas, scissors and glue, to school children in Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands and Kiribati.

Creswick’s St Andrew’s Uniting Church women have, for the last 15 years, been providing school backpacks filled with supplies including pencils, textas, scissors and glue, to school children in Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands and Kiribati.
Coordinator Ann Connan from Frankston picks up the filled backpacks in November and they are sent out in large shipping containers in the New Year.
Sometimes Creswick community members have also filled school bags which has swelled the numbers of bags being sent.
If anyone would like to help by filling a backpack phone Joan on 0417 976 352. She will provide a bag and an itemised list to purchase to fill it. Ann says it is important for every child to receive exactly the same items so everyone is treated equally.
Donations can also be made to UCA Creswick Clunes Parish, BSB: 633 000, Acc: 175041706 – just mention backpacks in the description.

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